
At CORPUS SIREO, managers act as coaches

CORPUS SIREO is one of Germany’s leading real estate service providers for institutional real estate asset managers. The company has 370 employees distributed across eight locations in Germany. In 2020, the company decided to train six ID37 masters in order to improve the company’s ability to navigate the challenges of an upcoming restructuring.

Sandra Tewes, managing director at CORPUS SIREO Real Estate GmbH
Immediately after announcing the strategic changes, we trained executives to become internal ID37 Masters. ID37 is extremely helpful in addressing the individual personalities of employees during change processes.
Sandra Tewes, managing director at CORPUS SIREO Real Estate GmbH


How do you retain talent during a restructuring process?

As a result of the company’s strategic reorientation, one business segment is to be discontinued. The firm’s management wants to react quickly, and ensure that employees emerge from the reorganization with their motivation intact.


Internal coaches guide employees’ career development 

With the approval of the executive board and the works council, the company trains managers to become ID37 Masters. ID37 instructor and coach Susanne Jess helps introduce the ID37 personality assessment into the company, and handles the certification functions.

The trained ID37 masters in turn work with the employees affected by the restructuring. They know the company inside and out. With the understanding of intrinsic motivations and individual needs acquired during their training program, they are able to coach the employees by taking an in-depth view of individual personalities. 

Initially, they help employees produce a self-analysis, a process facilitated by the ID37 personality profiles: What is really important to me in life, what frustrates me, what potentials can I develop? How do I define success? The coach serves first and foremost as a sparring partner. 


Ample time for personal development

CORPUS SIREO has chosen a good time to implement ID37 in the company. The restructuring process will not be complete for another two years. This allows the individual employees ample time for personal and career development, and enables them to find new roles in the company that offer the right kind of growth opportunities. 

Success story: How ID37 tool helps Corpus Sireo

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