
ID37 Company in the “United against Sexism” alliance

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Thomas Staller
ID37 Company in the “United against Sexism” alliance
Proud to be part of the solution! ID37 Company has joined the “United against Sexism” alliance. Cornelia Kirschke explains why ID37 is a member.
Aimed at identifying and effectively combating sexism, sexual harassment and sexual violence, the “Bündnis gegen Sexismus” (“United against Sexism”) alliance is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth. The ID37 Company has been actively engaged as a partner of the alliance since January 2024, advocating for the cause within the workplace and affirming the company's stance against sexism and gender-based discrimination.

ID37 Company promoting diversity and committed to the fight against sexism  

Championing values such as diversity, anti-discrimination and gender equality is as important as ever. The ID37 Company, a trailblazer in personal development, fostering better relationship dynamics, and promoting functional diversity within organizations, has joined the “United against Sexism” alliance. ID37 supports the alliance to help illustrate the detrimental impact of sexism on individuals and highlight the effectiveness of education and measures for fostering an inclusive and discrimination-free workplace environment.

What is sexism? 

Sexism (from Latin “sexus,” meaning gender) encompasses any expression, behavior, as well as imagery, words and gestures that stem from the belief that individuals are worth less because of their gender. Sexism is degrading and constitutes a form of discrimination.

According to the German Basic Law, all individuals in Germany are protected against discrimination based on their gender identity. Art. 3 GG reads: “No person shall, because of sex, ... be disfavoured or favored.” Nevertheless, individuals still experience sexism due to the entrenched gender stereotypes that have persisted for centuries.

Examples of sexism

  • A communication campaign featuring unnecessary nudity.
  • The underrepresentation of women in leadership positions.
  • Referring to a woman or a non-binary individual with a male occupational title.
  • An advertisement depicting a man teaching a woman how to operate a washing machine.
  • Unequal pay for women and LGBTQ+ individuals compared to men.
  • Unequal distribution of responsibility for childcare and caregiving between women and men.
  • Reducing LGBTQ+ individuals to their gender or sexual orientation.

The alliance, founded by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs in February 2023, aims to counter these phenomena. Its objective is to identify, address and implement effective measures against sexual harassment. Led and executed by the European Academy for Women in Politics and Economics in Berlin, the initiative aims to promote a workplace culture of respect and equality.

Why ID37 is committed to diversity and equal opportunities for all genders

The ID37 Company fosters mutual respect and a prejudice-free environment through products like the ID37 Personality Analysis. The firm actively combats discrimination, prejudice and injustice in the workplace, as demonstrated by its signing of the Diversity Charter in 2021. By joining the “United Against Sexism” alliance, the company is taking a further step in working against gender-based discrimination.

The diversity dimensions outlined in the Diversity Charter help with categorizing and understanding various aspects of diversity, including gender and gender identity.

“Those who think in sexist terms adhere to gender roles and disregard the individual personalities of people. We firmly oppose this. Sexism not only harms individuals on a personal level but can also lead to feelings of inferiority, self-censorship, behavioral changes, and even health issues. By joining the “United against Sexism” alliance, we commit to raising awareness about sexism, educating others and using our resources to prevent sexist attitudes and behaviors, says Cornelia Kirschke, Co-founder and Managing Partner at ID37 Company.

What is ID37 doing to combat sexism?

The ID37 Company takes a holistic approach to diversity. All individuals, with their unique personality traits and aspects of diversity, are taken into account when developing a workplace culture that is diversity-conscious, appreciative and fair. The dimension of “gender and gender identity” plays an important role here. Committed to ensuring that people do not face bias, discrimination or harm due to their gender in the workplace, ID37 has developed a variety of solutions targeting sexism:

  • The ID37 personality profiles reveal the differences among  people: Thus emphasizing the fact that these differences and the similarities between people are rooted in individual personalities. ID37 promotes mutual understanding and the ability to engage in dialogue on the commonalities and differences in individual needs and motives by making them visible. This dialogue fosters mutual respect and a culture of appreciation. Ignorance, on the other hand, leads to prejudice and discrimination. The ID37 motive of EROS, which highlights differences in the pursuit of sensual and erotic experiences and an active, fulfilling sexual life, deserves particular attention in the context of sexism.
  • The go:diversity program from ID37 certifies companies striving to develop a diversity-aware, fair and inclusive corporate culture. The program includes a diversity analysis that examines all the dimensions of diversity. When this data-based analysis identifies a need for action in the dimension of gender and gender identity, we propose targeted measures and solutions. After a period, a reassessment is conducted to determine if the situation has improved. This process sheds light on existing sexism in the workplace and continuously combats it.

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