Do your ID37 assessment now

Price: 119.00 EUR

/ incl. VAT

Get your ID37

Get your ID37 personality test.

You are unique. Your ID37 personality assessment helps you understand what drives your thinking, feeling and behavior.

Find out what drives you and make something out of it.

ID37 is a scientifically sound personality assessment. It helps you recognize what drives your thinking, emotions and behavior and what it takes to make you feel satisfied and be successful.

Your individual profile enables you to make better life decisions and navigate your way through your own identity.

Give the AI coach a try now

ID37 helps you discover your inner drives and maximize your potential. Get started today with your personal AI coach.

Your ID37 personality assessment gives you more orientation in life:

The ID37 personality assessment will support you in all aspects of life and enable you to better master big and small challenges that life presents us with by


Bottom line:

When you know yourself, you will be better at dealing with challenges and find your way to derive greater satisfaction from life.

What distinguishes the ID37 personality test from the rest?


The ID37 personality assessment is one of the few tests able to reliably measure personality with accuracy. ID37 is also very user-friendly and easy to understand.

The ID37 personality profile is a product of modern test development. It avoids the pitfalls commonly observed with tests based on C.G. Jung’s personality typology, such as the MBTI, DISC or 16 Personalities assessment tests, which are inconsistent and lack convincing validity data. Because they do not account for nuances within a personality, they lack the power to help with personality development, setting goals in life and planning for the future.  

The ID37 personality test is different because it identifies what makes a person unique without pigeonholing them.


Easy to use and understand. No special prior knowledge necessary.


Actually determines your true individual personality profile. Does not type.


Based on state-of-the art scientific test development methods.


More than 15 years of practical experience with the Reiss Profile personality test were incorporated into the new test procedure.

How it works


Visit to register
and purchase the ID37 assessment or be invited by a Master. Carry out the assessment. Available languages: EN, DE, RU, NL, ES, FR, IT.


You can access immediately your personal profile and assessment report on every device.
Available languages: EN, DE, RU, NL.


Share your profile with friends, family and colleagues. Exchange thoughts on things you share and where you differ.

Do your ID37 assessment now

Price: 119.00 EUR

/ incl. VAT

Get your ID37