Now with AI chatbot Jay, your sparring partner!

Services & Features

Understanding people by using digital tools and services

ID37 users want to understand themselves and others better, and to be understood better themselves. The services and features available on the ID37 platform promote self-reflection and encourage dialogue, listening and better collaboration.

At a glance

What digital services does ID37 offer?

The highly informative value of the ID37 analysis, along with the supplementary services and user-friendly nature of the tools, benefits professionals and ordinary users alike.

ID37 personality assessment

Self-awareness and a basis for personal growth

Your ID37 personality assessment serves as a starting point and compass for building self-reflection skills and relationships.  After creating the assessment in your account, you can easily come back to it, for example on your smartphone.

ID37 networking function

Connect with the people important to you

Connect with others and share your personality profile with them. Exchange ideas with them using the ID37 chat function, respond to feedback or arrange a later conversation.

ID37 Diversity Index

Understand why others are different

Compare your personality profile with other people in your network. With one click, the ID37 software identifies the way your personality patterns differ and overlap, and shows you how you can strengthen your communication and relationships.

ID37 team analysis

Make diversity visible, promote understanding

Create a group or team from your contact list. With just a few clicks, you can make your team’s diversity visible in an interactive graphic. Determine together how you can achieve more through mutual respect.


Anyone who has completed an ID37 personality assessment can use these features free of charge.


Digital platform: All services in one place

Clients and contacts are contained in a single section, making them easy to manage. ID37 notifies you when you have new inquiries or messages. The ID37 platform is your cloud-based and secure solution for helping people achieve personal growth on the basis of their personalities.

We protect our users’ privacy and personal data

ID37 account functionality

ID37 user account 

When taking an ID37 personality assessment, all users create a personal ID37 account:

  • Manage all activities from the dashboard
  • Interactive profile graphic: your virtual navigator
  • Networking function
  • Interactive assessment report
  • Chat
  • Team analysis tool
  • Switch languages with a single click 
Control over your own data: You determine who can access your profile.

ID37 Master account

ID37 certified professionals receive an ID37 master account with their training:

  • Manage all activities from the dashboard
  • Interactive profile graphic: your virtual navigator
  • Networking function
  • Interactive assessment report
  • Chat
  • Team analysis tool
  • Switch languages with a single click 
  • Easily invite and manage clients
  • Cost-free toolbox
Are you an RMP Master? We offer an easy conversion to the ID37 system, including your profiles.

Success Stories

Portrait of Simon Mattaj, DEI expert at Scholz & Friends
Digital Tools

Scholz & Friends measures its DEI culture with the go:diversity program

Simon Mattaj is a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategist at Scholz & Friends. Together with his team, he rolled out ID37’s go:diversity program at the agency's Hamburg location. In the following interview, he explains why the program has proved so relevant. 