Digital Tools

Achieving success with the ID37 team analysis tool

Written by
Anja Krahnert
ID37 team analysis tool
The ID37 team analysis is fully interactive. Compile teams easily on a mouse click and reveal team dynamics
In order to get the best out of a team, a sound team analysis is crucial. The ID37 team analysis is based on the personality profiles of all team members. With the interactive ID37 team analysis tool, you can reflect on the composition of your teams, identify untapped potential, improve collaboration and increase team performance.

The ID37 team analysis is based on individual personality profiles

People in teams are also individuals. ID37 team analyses are based on the personality profiles of the team members. The team lead immediately recognizes what type of characters are part of the team and how they shape it. He or she is able to look at individuals in the team context. The personality based team analysis is a solid foundation for understanding how the different individuals act and interact within the team. It shows the diversity of the team and the potential that lies within it. Also true for teams: the better the analysis the better the result.

Tip: Teams do not only exist in the workplace. With the ID37 team analysis you can gain exceptional insights within your family, group of friends or sports team, basically any group where people interact.

The start: Create your team at your fingertips

Using the ID37 team analysis, you simply assemble your team together by the click of your mouse – whether on your desktop or mobile device. Each ID37 user can build teams from their existing ID37 contacts. The search function searches one’s network based on names and groups.

In the case that a person is not yet a contact, the user can directly send a contact request via the network function.

ID37 users decide who they want to connect with and how many motives they like to share with this person – completely conforming to European privacy regulations. ID37 leaves data sovereignty in the hands of the users. This is why only the person that creates the team can actually see it. 

Tip: If you intend to share the team analysis within a team workshop you should clearly communicate objectives and processes of the team analysis as well as obtain consent from all participants to mutual disclosure. 

Interactive options of the ID37 team analysis 

Once you have created your team you can review all motive expressions of all team members at a glance. How diverse of heterogeneous is the team on a single motive?

ID37 team analysis teamprofile

Sample team composition, created with the ID37 team analysis tool

These interactive functions help to provide clarity

Use all the available interactive options to generate reflection within the team, to pursue team goals and to develop measures appropriate to reaching these goals:

ID37 team analysis change order
  • Change the order of the motives

ID37 team analysis hide motives
  • Hide individual motives

ID37 team analysis change team composition
  • Change the team composition
ID37 team analysis download
  • Download all team data in an excel file


Using the ID37 team analysis as a steering tool 

The team analysis provides meaningful insights. These 4 questions support the analysis process: 

1. What are the commonalities of the team?

With regard to the CURIOSITY motive, the team has one commonality.

ID37 team analysis CURIOSITY

Everyone on the team has a high or medium expression of the motive, no one has a low expression. CURIOSITY, or the pursuit of knowledge, insight and intellectual challenge, serves as emotional glue for the team. Everyone on the team is likely to delve deeply into topics, develop similarly positive feelings in doing so and find a common language for the task at hand (though there will nevertheless be differences of opinion with regard to specific issues of content). The team may spend considerable time engaging in long discussions, thus failing to complete tasks and might even view itself as a knowledge elite.

2. Where are the differences in the team?

In regard to the PRINCIPLES motive, the team shows conspicuousness. 

ID37 team analysis PRINCIPLES

One person on the team (NH) differs considerably from the other team members. The person with the strongly expressed PRINCIPLES motive is the most sensitive to compliance with norms and regulations. For their part, the other team members don’t fully follow rules and principles.  There's a risk of conflict in this scenario, because the one individual lives in a different world of values than the others.

3. Are there motives supporting fractionalization?

In regard to the RETENTION motive, the team shows conspicuousness. 

ID37 team analysis RETENTION

Some team members have a high expression, some a weaker expression and one person has a moderate expression of the RETENTION motive. For those with high scores, material possession plays a particularly important role in their lives. For those with a lower expression this plays a minor role and they have little interest in amassing, caring for or keeping their possessions together. They rather tend to enjoy spending money. This bears the danger of regular conflicts in regards to financial expenditure. The person with a moderate score on this motive may act as a mediator as s/he can relate to both worlds.

4. Are there motives with a diversity of expressions?

In regard to the SAFETY motive, the team has a diversity of motive expressions, showing weak, moderate and strong expressions.

ID37 team analysis

Individuals with a strongly expressed SAFETY motive are highly sensitive to potential dangers. They tend to avoid taking risks. People in whom this motive is weakly expressed don’t focus on risks; rather, they tend to see unfamiliar situations as opportunities. People with a moderate expression of this motive sometimes need the feeling of safety, and other times do not. For many team members the expression is neither very strong nor very weak. In regard to SAFETY, the team can take multiple perspectives. When the team's members are all able to have their say, there is a good chance that it will discover an optimal solution or approach. All viewpoints and experiences are brought to the table and are considered together. The team can use its diversity for decisions as strength. 

The stronger all team members reflect on their values and motive expressions and the more experienced they are in managing personal differences the easier it will become to use the potential of the team analysis. 

Not just a tool but a way to improve team performance

The ID37 team analysis reveals the team personality. Detailed insights support the development of applicable team objectives and measures that will increase team satisfaction as well as team performance. The ID37 team analysis is the starting point and reflection basis for continuously successful team development. Team members are enabled to quickly find access to one another and share a common language. They open up. Appreciation and trust, the core success factors of teams, are maturing. 

Supporting your team with the ID37 team analysis  

ID37 Masters can support team workshops, team development projects and team composition. Find an ID37 Master here.

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